Heartbreaks are painful. It’s one of the worst phases in life where you feel as if the world has become standstill as you don’t know what to after a breakup. And then you are bombarded with heavy questions like ‘what if I had done that?’, ‘why is it happening with me?’ ‘Am I responsible for this?’ etc that makes you doubt yourself and wound your self-esteem and self-confidence.
People deal with heartbreaks in different ways. Some resort to seclusion, while some take counseling, some motivate themselves whereas others simply build a wall around themselves so that no one can hurt them anymore. No matter what you do or think, heartbreaks are difficult to overcome, but there are healthier ways to get over the ugly situation and move on happily in life. One of which is travelling. Here are 10 solid reasons why going on a breakcation will not only give you the much-needed peace but make you emotionally stronger.
Reason 1: To spend ‘me’ time away from the condolences, advice, negativity etc: Who says breakups don’t come with drama? There can be no denying to the fact that people will come to you with all sorts of advice, reminders and condolences that not only confuse you but make you feel sorry for yourself. A vacation at such time is the best way to rescue yourself from being clinged to old memories that keep on haunting you and stop yourself from moving on. Travel acts as a breather where you can take your mind off from breakup and work on making yourself better.

Reason 2: To face what comes next with bravery: Travelling calms your mind and body and makes you forget the baggage of heartbreak, even if it’s just for a while. As soon as you hit the road, you begin to do things on your own and face the unknown with bravery. It also makes you realize that ‘no one holds the key to your heart but only you’. Eventually, you’ll realize that you are strong enough to handle anything that life throws at your face. Travelling soothes your heart and gives you important life lessons that you must learn to grow and move on.

Reason 3: To rebuild your strength and regain your confidence: Breakups usually clouds your mind and judgment on things. Heartbreak can easily make you question everything and shatter your confidence and strength. While it’s ok to cry your heart out, but it’s not ok to keep yourself distant from the world. Travelling is one aspect of life where you get to learn how to handle breakup without going into depression. You’ll meet new people on the way, improve your social skills, and gain perspective on things through their experiences. It just makes you a stronger and better version of yourself.

Reason 4: To refocus on important things in your life: While breakups can without a doubt hold you back from moving on easily, the downside is that you lose focus and control over your life and start doubting yourself. Here travel plays an important role, as you get to refocus on areas of your life that need immediate attention. Travelling stops you from thinking yourself as a victim of a bad relationship and helps you get a grip over your life. This way you will stop running from nasty situations and face them with a smile on your face.

Reason 5: To make new memories and heal yourself: Travelling helps immensely in healing your wounded heart. As you hit-off the roads, you meet new people, exchange life stories that boost your morale and give you amazing memories. It certainly helps in forgetting bad ones and brings the memories when you were happy, independent, strong, and carefree and most importantly being yourself. The best part of travelling after suffering heartbreak is that you get to make fresh and new memories that you might have missed or won’t ever get to experience. Your heart becomes lighter as you prepare to open yourself up and bare your emotions naked. Because after that, there is nothing left to feel sad or sorry about. It’s like starting from scratch but this time you’d be writing your story on a good note and with a positive outlook.

Reason 6: To avoid getting caught in a rebound relationship: Some people don’t really know how to overcome a breakup, which is why they resort in a rebound relationship as they need someone by their side always. While wishing for that is certainly not bad, but rebound relationships especially after experiencing heartbreak is a big no-no. Would you want to hurt another person just as you have got hurt? Probably no, so the best way to avoid the trap of rebound relationships is to travel someplace, explore and experience things on your own. Always remember, you are doing this for yourself not for anyone else or not for the sake of your family. It has to be you who will get yourself out of heartbreak.

Reason 7: To gain new insights on life: It’s a bitter truth, but breakups make you realize importance of the things you’ve been putting on hold or have forgotten. But going on a vacation brings out your true self and reminds you of the dreams and ambitions that you’ve always wanted to come true. You start recognizing your priorities and sort your things more efficiently. This is why when you go through a rough patch in life such as breakup for instance, you should take some time off and embark on unknown adventures to identify who you are, what you want to be, how to take breakup positively and so on.

Reason 8: To embrace singlehood: While it may or may not be true for some, but travelling post-breakup teaches key life lessons to a majority of brokenhearted. One of which is to embrace your singlehood and your personality. As a human, all of us are guilty of committing mistakes in life at some point, but it doesn’t mean that you have to bear the burden all your life. Dealing with a breakup and the aftermath is not easy at all. Here travelling comes as your knight in shining armor as you’ll be able to laugh at yourself and embrace your singlehood till the time you are ready for a new relationship with someone who understands you and is compassionate towards you and most importantly loves you for who you are.

Reason 9: To grow as a person: The benefit of going on a vacation post-breakup is that you will never feel alone or lonely. By the end of your trip, you’d end up making new friends and get to know yourself better. You get to identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you improve those and grow as a person just like a blooming flower.

Reason 10: To manage things better and overcoming the fear of unknown: A quiet vacation in the middle of nowhere works like a charm when you want to get away from the negativity that breakup brings. It not only makes you come out of your comfort zone but manage your time and budget better. So it’s important to see breakup in a positive light. It neither should rule our life nor should break you from inside. You were a wonderful and lovable person before your breakup and will always remain the same. Just start by loving yourself and you’ll see the miracle happening soon.